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Student Life

QC offers a structured school day wide array of enrichment options, from AP courses to after-school support.

Bell Schedule

Bell Schedule
all days except Wednesday

Bell Schedule - all days except Wednesdays.png

Wednesday Bell Schedule
(early release days)

Tips for Success

  •  Arrive to school early. Remember to leave time to pass through security, eat breakfast, put away your book bag or coat, and to feel ready to start the day off right!

  • Work bell to bell. When you enter the classroom, be prepared to learn and work your brain.​

  • Use bathroom breaks wisely to avoid missing lessons and valuable work time during class.

  • Remember that the teacher dismisses you from class -- not the bell.

  • You're not late when you arrive to school or class after start time. You're late the moment that you don't  leave home on time.


QC Events

Student Government

Student Government Association

Inspire. Empower. Care.

High School Student Government Association (SGA) is a group of student leaders at QC, using their voices to create opportunities for service and social engagement through various activities.  Students in grades 9-12 are welcome to join and hold leadership through democratic decision-making processes.

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